
big valleyHeart’s Dream

Our Heart’s Dream is the best we can imagine for our futures. We consciously choose to dream and articulate the most compelling future for ourselves. Then we use that picture as the starting point for our goal setting and planning . What follows is the current iteration of our Heart’s Dream - it continues to evolve as we get better at imagining what we really want!

Our Heart’s Dream

mermaidIt is July 2025 and we are on Lopez, our heart’s home. We have returned home after a family vacation with our children, Arjuna and Faith, in England walking together in the Lake District. We are aglow with the connectedness and aliveness that infused our last three weeks together. We experienced genuine joy and celebration of our family together. The love and appreciation we all feel for one another made this vacation our best yet – our “how good can we stand it” value is being honored very fully!

templeWe are sitting on the wrap-around, partly covered, deck of our main home on Lopez Island. Looking out over our land we see the pond with dock and rushes round the north side, a deer is down at the water drinking. Our garden is full of vegetables, the paths of wood chips neat and tidy, and the flowers – lupins, peonies and lilies are a riot of color. Our cats bask in the last of the setting sun on the deck and the wisteria blossom cascades from the arbor. The gentle breeze brings us assorted smells from our garden – tomatoes, lavender, good sweet earth and the wetness of the watering system.

Our home is well-built, spacious and very nurturing. It is beautiful from outside and in and gives us feelings of gratification whenever we see it.

We are drinking good tea, our bodies are warm and relaxed and we are in great shape our bodies singing from just having made love. We can hear the calls of the evening birds and the sea lions on the rocks in the bay.

couple siloLet’s talk about our intentional relationship – which has been the source of our life together. Our commitment to loving, learning and parenting together has been the mainstay of our spiritual path – and it has really born fruit (our amazing children!). We see the beauty and perfection in each other, ourselves and in everything around us consistently. We are light, deep, adaptable, open, grateful and almost totally unhookable – and when we do get hooked, we get unhooked with increasing ease. We are also fully responsible – we prioritize harmony and things that used to show up as adversity now register as delightful surprises. We love being together and our relationship is continually expansive and pleasurable. We are like little kids, wanting to share our newest toys with one another all the time.

dad and sonBack in 2006 we decided that our most important joint endeavor was to birth and raise our amazing children. And they are truly amazing. Arjuna and Faith are strong, compassionate, proactive and joyful. They each know and own their strengths, and are using and growing them. Arjuna and Faith are 19 and 16 respectively. Faith is a budding young mystic who is spending the summer exploring crop circles with Abigail’s mother, Asha and her companion. Arjuna is off in a few days on a big adventure with some of his buddies building a school in Ecuador.

airheartOur work, Co-Enlightenment, is about creating kingdoms of heaven on earth. These kingdoms combine the divine masculine and feminine through the dance of Co-active leadership. They integrate the physical, emotional and spiritual realms. Our work is to be a model relationship AND to help people fully embody their own regal energies. We are surrounded by an incredible community of amazing couples and families who have been our teachers, students and co-creators of learning. tuscanyAs we look back we can see how the Couples Retreats that we started to offer in 2006 grew out of our vision for our home, our kingdom and our relationship. We now lead regular Dream Hatching retreats at a beautiful villa in Tuscany.

The richness of the archetypes and the power of myth has added enormous depth of meaning to the lives of thousands of couples – especially us!

bookmarkOur book, “Thy Kingdom Come”, has helped spread the concepts of our work to a huge audience. Millions of people have read it – and been introduced the value of their relationship in sourcing their worlds and their work.

camelotThe work of Co-Enlightenment has grown beyond us to a 2nd tier organism of over 50 couples who model, teach and live the work. Our main community, Camelot, is located deep in the French countryside. It is a community of 50-75 couples who together have created a distinctive and treasured culture which we protect and nurture carefully by invitation and celebration. This community has it’s own generative power to keep the work evolving and expanding. While we are honored by this community as it’s founders, we are no longer the main creative force.

In addition to our Co-Enlightenment work, we are both well respected coaches and lead CTI’s Relationship Coaching courses and Lucid Living’s Lucid Parenting curriculum.

serene lakeWe both contribute to our local community on Lopez. Clive serves on the school board and Abigail is on the board of “Youth House” – a safe and fun place for local teens to gather which she helped to birth.

We feel fulfilled, grateful, successful and complete and we are excited about the adventure of the next 20 years together.